Party in the street

I am going to be in bed before midnight. I am going to be in bed before midnight. I am going to be in bed before midnight. I am going to be in bed before midnight…..

I’m not going to make it to bed before midnight.

Driving home from work tonight I knew something was up – I met more cars between the next town and my own at 11 p.m. than I do on any other day at any given time. What was up?

An event at the fire hall. One I either didn’t know about, wasn’t invited to, or just plain forgot was happening. I hope it was one of the former, because I’m pretty sure I’m on my third strike with the latter in this town.

Obviously I need a Smart Phone.

The reasons are two-fold:

1. To schedule baby showers, birthday parties and record babysitters’ numbers.
2. To make me smarter, faster and stronger so I don’t need to be coming home from work at 11 p.m. on a regular basis.

Speaking of Younger, Faster, Stronger… I ran 15 km yesterday! So maybe I won’t have a completely embarrassing showing at the Tely 10 this weekend. Oh I’ll still be well over two hours, but finishing doesn’t seem so far-fetched anymore.

One response to “Party in the street

  1. Pingback: The restorative powers of fresh air. And bread. | The Sheds Project

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